Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.
- Mary Lou Cook
Community Engagement
Project Facilitation
Highland Council - Trauma Summit (2024)
A summit designed to explore and encourage the inclusion of Trauma-Informed Practice across vital support sectors. The project is designed to demonstrate the real human impacts, positively and negatively, TIP can have.
Broken Barrel Productions funded by Youth Highland (2023)
A funded film project with home-schooled teens titled Unforeseen Consequences.
Mikeysline (2021)
Four in-person workshops: Self-esteem & Empowerment, Anxiety, queer identities, and exploration of self.
Creativity in Care (2021)
An online workshop exploring creativity and creative arts supporting fun, play, and expression.
Highland Child & Youth Arts Forum (2021)
Two in-person workshops: Learning about visual impairment through drama and Accessible Drama
Two short films, using verbatim techniques, documenting life as a blind or partially sighted person.
National Trust for Scotland – Abertarff House (2021)
Short film exploring the history of the space and the sorts of characters who stayed there.
Out of the Darkness Theatre Company (2020)
Two online workshops delivered live exploring key themes around covid safety, lockdown and adjusting to the new norm.
Two short films exploring the difficulties faced with covid whilst highlighting the positive parts of individual experiences.
​National Trust for Scotland – Elf Academy Brodie Castle (2019)
Working with students to devise a site specific promenade performance for children and families at Christmas.
Highland Hospice (2019)
A devised piece of theatre created in partnership with the staff and patients involved in palliative care to highlight the positive and upbeat work the hospice does.
Safe, Strong, Free (2019)
A devised promenade piece for children highlighting the ethos and curriculum of the organisation.
Clarity Walks (2019)
An interactive workshop for children and families highlighting the importance of disconnecting from electronic devices and social media for positive mental wellbeing.
Cradlehall Primary (2019)
A workshop on film making and climate change as per the curriculum.
Pancreatic Cancer UK (2018)
Homeward Bound a scripted project documenting the life and death of Seth Goodburn following a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Autism Initiatives (2018)
A devised performance highlighting the challenges, differences, and achievements of people with autism.
Mikeysline (2018)
Autumn Collapse a short film exploring the ‘what ifs’ of not speaking up about metal health.
Cradlehall Primary (2017)
A workshop on friendship, bullying, and empowerment.
Hilton Primary (2017)
Two workshops – one about space as per the curriculum using drama techniques to explore the topic, the second workshop about how to create a devised piece of theatre.